If you want to start boning up (har) on quality erotica, you’ll want to start with the work of some stellar modern female authors. Perhaps best known is Rachel Kramer Bussel, who edits and contributes to a slew of top-notch anthologies. —BUST
Rachel Kramer Bussel is arguably one of the most influential names in erotica and has been for some time. —Bellesa.com
Rachel Kramer Bussel is the most knowledgeable and prolific book editor and spoken word producer in contemporary erotic literature. —Audible
Ms. Bussel is the current mistress of intensity in spanking fiction. —Erotica Revealed
Rachel Kramer Bussel (rachelkramerbussel.com) is a writer, editor, event organizer, and erotica writing instructor. She's edited over 70 anthologies, including The Big Book of Orgasms, Come Again: Sex Toy Erotica, Dirty Dates, On Fire, Spanked, Please, Sir, and Please, Ma'am, and is the Best Women's Erotica of the Year series editor. Her nonfiction has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Marie Claire, O, The Oprah Magazine, Elle.com, Salon, Slate, Time.com, The Village Voice and numerous other publications. Follow her @raquelita on Twitter and learn more about her writing workshops and consulting at EroticaWriting101.com.