ANN BANNON is the author of the classic lesbian pulp novels I Am a Woman, Journey to a Woman, Odd Girl Out, and Women in the Shadows. She lives in Sacramento, CA. Visit her at www.annbannon.com.
"Throughout the Beebo Brinker novels, readers are able to see lesbians in various levels of committed relationships and catch a glimpse of the growing gay and lesbian community of Greenwich Village, New York."
—Feminists for Choice
"When I was young, Bannon's books let me imagine myself into her New York City neighborhoods of short-haired, dark-eyed butch women and stubborn, tight-lipped secretaries with hearts ready to be broken. Her books come close to the kind of books that had made me feel fantastic and damned in my youth, but somehow she just managed to sustain a sense of hope. And of course, there was her romantic portrait of the kind of butch woman I idealized. I would have dated Beebo, no question..." —Dorothy Allison