Release Date: July 12, 2016
eISBN: 9781940550213

Sex Objects: Erotic Romance for Women

by Delilah Devlin

High powered, high ranking...and in high heels.

The term sex object brings to mind a curvaceous starlet on a casting couch or an iconic, bee-stung-lipped beauty being pursued by a powerful, capable man. In Sex Objects, Devlin turns that concept upside down by allowing the woman to objectify a handsome, sensual man, using the concepts of role reversal and power play, but from a female perspective, to create something evocative and fun for the feminine, romance-reader.

A record executive plays hardball with her latest star in “Hush.” In “Taste Test,” a food critic is seduced with a gastronomic feast by a master chef. “Dark Circus” enchants with a story about a circus owner and a young accountant exploring a D/s relationship. A celebutante and her bodyguard get “Slap Happy.” In Devlin’s own “Butled,” a famous writer succumbs to the tender manipulations of her butler. Lush settings and creative cliche-busting will delight readers eager to embrace the passionate and surprising couplings.

These women are masters of their own domain, in charge and proud...capable of using sex for pleasure's sake...but ultimately succumbing to the pull of desire and love created by the "objects” of their desire...

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About the author Delilah Devlin

Delilah Devlin has published over 60 erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths. Her published print titles include Into the Darkness, Seduced by Darkness, Darkness Captured, Down in Texas and Texas Men. She is published by Avon, Kensington, Atria/Strebor, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing, Berkley, and Cleis Press and lives in Arkadelphia, AR. Beth Williamson is a revered romance writer who lives in Raleigh, NC.

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