Release Date: April 08, 2003
ISBN: 9781573441681
eISBN: 9781573445030

Safe Word: An Erotic S/M Novel

by Molly Weatherfield

From the author of Carrie's Story comes the continuing tale of a young woman's uncompromising sexual adventure. Carrie leaves behind her life with Jonathan, the S/M master who initiated her into a life of slave auctions, training regimes, and human "ponies" preening for dressage competitions. Whisked away to Greece by the demanding gentleman who has chosen her as his own, she learns new, more rigorous methods of sexual pleasure.

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About the author Molly Weatherfield

Molly Weatherfield the pen name of Pam Rosenthal, is a prolific romance and erotica writer who has penned many sexy, literate, historical novels. She lives in San Francisco. Carrie's Story "My favorite neo-Victorian erotic romance writer... bring on the ponies!"—Susie Bright "Carries’ Story is a well written and very erotic account of mastery and submission. This story contains some...

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Books by Molly Weatherfield

"Devotees of Fifty Shades should submit to wry Carrie and intellectual Jonathan and Safe Word. Those brave enough to leave the comfort of mass market S&M will find a succulent novel. And those who already enjoy S&M erotica will feel blissfully sated upon finishing this book."'
—ForeWord Reviews

"The shining achievement of this book is the characters."
—City Book Review

"The stories that Carrie tells are mingled in with her own wit and charm that I came to love from the first book."
—Fox in the Flowers

"Carrie's story is definitely worth getting to know."
—Fresh Fiction

"A classic of its genre... rare product of a gimlet mind."
–Anneke Jacob, author of As She's Told

"The best word I can use to describe Safe Word is classy: Weatherfield creates an alluring kink underground that treats, as Anneke Jacob beautifully points out in her forward, sex as high art, but Carries sass and self-awareness keeps this world and her European travels out of pretentious cheese territory. Whether you’ve read Carrie’s Story or not, this book is hot and engaging."
—Sexlife Canada

"She is ever the thinking sub. A slave with eyes that tell the story of her questioning thoughts."
—Kissin' Blue Karen

"Just when you think things can't get wilder, they do."
—Black Sheets magazine

"This story contains some of the most erotic pony girl training sessions I have ever read. I definitely recommend this book."
—Equus Eroticus

"Fans of the popular S/M novel Carrie's Story won't be able to put down this sequel in which Carrie sheds her old life with lover Jonathan and embarks on an incredible sexual adventure to prove her devotion to a demanding master. Torrid scenes of training in the explicit arts of sexual satisfaction blend with fevered passion and the agony of living with life's sometimes-difficult choices in a book rife with compelling characters."
—Good Vibrations

"Fans of Carrie's Story will definitely want to get their hands on this hot little sequel to that best-selling erotic S/M novel. Safe Word continues the story of Carrie, former Berkeley lit. student turned sex-slave, after her sale at a fancy European slave auction. This book starts at the end of her year-long servitude and slave-training, with Carrie meeting up with her former master, Jonathan. The book goes back and forth, with Carrie and Jonathan swapping stories from their past year apart, and it gives a fascinating glimpse into their interpersonal dynamics and individual sexual experiences. That is, if you chose to read it straight-through, it does. The book also works well if you hold it open with one hand, breathlessly skimming for the next hot sexy scene..."  

"Weatherfield incorporates emotions and sensibilities into the text and she tells a good story. Her writing is rich and she has drawn some very real characters. We can only hope for more."
—Amos Lassen

"Intense and vivid imagery, not intended for the faint of heart. Safe Word takes the realm of BDSM to an expanded plane. It is best to compare the wonderful and detailed brilliancy of this book to the series The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice. Ms. Weatherfield ranks up in the leading light by indulging readers with a rare view to a secret world. The view of human ponies and the relationship between master and slave still holds the delicate line and foundation of trust. A breathtaking book."
—Mila Bean, Coffee Time Romance

"It's sheer delight to find what is foremost a great novel—that just happens to have an SM theme and pervy characters. Set in modern day Europe/USA, Safe Wordprovides a welcome break from the dirge of SM authors insistent upon writing about Morocco or Victorian school houses. Weatherfield's style makes eating a croissant or buying creamy French stationery as sexy as scenes of whipping or pony scenes."
—Skin Two

"Safe Word is an excellent addition to The Carrie Saga. I loved the sexy turnaround between Carrie and Jonathan, and I can't wait to find out what happens next. More, please!"
—Megan Hart, author of Switch

"Molly Weatherfield, aka Pam Rosenthal, recreated the submissive femme novel for our newest generation. Fantastic writing and suspense that doesn't stop."
—Susie Bright 


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