Release Date: May 01, 2009
ISBN: 9781573443555
eISBN: 9781573445788

Best Fetish Erotica

by Cara Bruce

The stories in this reissued version of Cara Bruce's popular anthology explore the irresistible lure of the sexual fetish, from leather and lingerie to shoes and shaving accessories. Nearly two dozen of today's top erotica authors feature characters getting in and out of corsets and girdles, cross-dressing, giving or enduring spankings, playing with knives and rubber balls, and engaging in a host of other taboo yet tantalizing activities. Authors include Susie Bright, Alison Tyler, Marcy Sheiner, Thomas Roche, Greg Wharton, Rachel Resnick, and others.

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About the author Cara Bruce

Cara Bruce is the editor of several erotic anthologies including: Best Fetish Erotica, Viscera: An Anthology of Bizarre Erotica, and Horny? San Francisco and is the publisher of Embraces: Dark Erotica. Her short stories have been published in numerous anthologies, including: Best American Erotica 2001, The Unmade Bed, The Oy of Sex, Best Lesbian Erotica 2000, Best Women's Erotica 2000, 2001 & 2002, Uniform Sex, Mammoth Book of...

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