Release Date: February 01, 2011
ISBN: 9781573446471
eISBN: 9781573446686

Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex

by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Every word counts in each of these stories that get right to the point. Rachel Kramer Bussel has gathered together a plentitude of short, original erotica stories spanning every way you can "get it on" in every kind of setting, with a wild and wide variety of sexual orientation -- quickie sex threesomes, sex toys, public sex, BDSM, fetishes, fantasies and MUCH more.

These stories aren't all about quickie sex, though there's plenty of that. There are strangers who meet and know right away they must have each other, neighbors, travelmates, coworkers, as well as long-term couples such as those in "After Ten Years" and "Remembering the Wrinkles" who are looking for ways to hold on to that spark. There are stories of sex in libraries, vacation sex, and lots of outdoor sex, in the rain, in the street—all over. There are pecan rolls dripping in caramel, and meals where lovers feast on nothing but each other. There are even a few stories with no actual sex in them at all and readers will have plenty of fun finding them!

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About the author Rachel Kramer Bussel

If you want to start boning up (har) on quality erotica, you’ll want to start with the work of some stellar modern female authors. Perhaps best known is Rachel Kramer Bussel, who edits and contributes to a slew of top-notch anthologies. —BUST   Rachel Kramer Bussel is arguably one of the most influential names in erotica and has been for some time. —   Rachel Kramer Bussel is the most knowledgeable and prolific book editor and spoken word producer...

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