Release Date: April 08, 2013
ISBN: 9781573449007
eISBN: 9781573449618

Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories

by Alison Tyler

Maybe one of the hidden benefits of everyone being so darn busy is the rise of the quickie! No one writes fresh fiction on quick sex better than Alison Tyler who has probably inspired more time-efficient trysts that any other eroticist. Whether at the office with your boss, in a restaurant restroom or naughty nooners with your long-time love, Tyler's Sudden Sex will have you dialing up a booty call stat!

Alison Tyler says: "My favorite short stories brand new. Crisp and focused, taut and tight. The pieces in this collection are waiting for you to slide them on, button the fly, then turn and admire how well they fit your kink. Because—as everyone who knows me understands by now—I'm all about the kink. This collection features BDSM, spanking, toys, tools, girls gone bad and men who need it just as bad. I've assembled stories from writers I've worked with for nearly two decades as well as wordsmiths who are new to me. What do the pieces have in common? Each one maxes out at 1500 words. That's not a lot of small talk. We've cut the awkward getting to know you phase and instead parked you right up at the point. We're past first base, past second, on our way to third. His hand is under your skirt; her palm is on your cock—we're all adults here—no need to fight the fact that sometimes what we crave is simple: sudden sex."

Take a breath. Bite your lip. Get ready to get off.

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About the author Alison Tyler

Alison Tyler is the author of more than 20 erotic novels, including Strictly Confidential and Sweet Thing, and she is the editor of Three-Way, Heat Wave, Best Bondage Erotica, and The Merry XXXmas Book of Erotica. She lives in San Francisco. Best Bondage Erotica "The only thing better than curling up with an Alison Tyler work of erotica might be curling...

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Books by Alison Tyler

"Perfect for bedtime reading prior to kicking off sexual shenanigans. Recommended for all erotic readers to use as mental foreplay before the sexual marathon begins."—La Crimson Femme

"I have a short attention span. I like a story that gets straight to the action."—Giselle Renarde

"Sixty nine stories is the perfect amount. You don’t have to sit down and read through the whole book, it’s great for if you have five minutes and want to read something sexy, saucy and satisfying."—Dirty Little Whispers

"Time-strapped gals, this collection of tales about red-hot quickies is just your speed — each is 1,500 words or fewer. Read a short story by the pool, one by the beach, one on the plane, and at least one in bed."—Lifestyle Mirror

"Those looking for a quick thrill will find much to like in this complication of short stories devoted to the joys of the quickie."—Erotic Trade Only

"While long, sultry, steamy sex sessions are great, there is something to be said for the quickie. It can be down and dirty, straight to the point, and can really get the job done. These short stories are the same way: each one clocks in at no more than 1,500 words ... and each really gets the job done."—AVN

From beginning to end this book is a constant delight. Containing fiction from the cream of today’s erotic fiction authors, Sudden Sex is a chubby book that’s bursting with raunchy, rude and ribald tales of torrid titillation.—Erotica Readers and Writers Association

"Sudden Sex is an anthology full of short stories that will tantalize your erotic tastes. There are sixty-nine different worlds to lose yourself in. With so many stories to choose from there is bound to be one to please everyone’s taste. These stories are meant to titillate the reader and many if not all do. Each is quick paced and a hot read. I found some old favorites and some new authors in this book. Many of whose work I enjoyed enough to go in search of more because of their contribution to this anthology. Each author brings us unique characters and adventures. These quick stories will grab your attention and some may even have you imagining more. I enjoyed reading these short stories as a nice introduction to the new authors work for me. This is a hot and fun read that will leave you breathless and searching for more. Sometimes you just want hot and steamy and the stories in this book give you that in abundance. I loved getting to see the many adventures that are shown in these worlds. Alison Tyler has picked a wonderful set of authors and stories in this book."–Night Owl Reviews

"Alison Tyler really knows how to pick ‘em."—Mina Murray

"Seasonal Affected Disorder" is a perfect balance of controlled, careful writing and of erotic chaos; of understatement and of excess in all the right places. Truly, it’s one of the finest pieces of erotic flash I’ve read!" - Kristina Lloyd

"This story is layered like the richness of that kiss from your lover that you remember to pay attention to, that you manage to lose yourself in. You come out of it with a start to find that time is told by numbers now, not flowers." - Graydancer

"It’s a quick, intense, erotic experience that left me diving for my laptop and my bookmarked sex shops." - Angell Brooks

"The pacing, the deft bits of characterization, and the red-hot eruption of explicit sex aren’t simple at all. Those are the marks of mastery of the craft." - Sacchi Green

"A long romantic engagement sometimes isn't in the cards, but there's still a strong need for passion. Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories is a collection of short erotica compiled by Alison Tyler who presents an array of stories of people faced with a flash of passion in many situations in their lives, facing the train, split second decisions of giving into lust, tempting fate where people might disturb your sinful actions at any moment. "Sudden Sex" is a strong addition to short erotic fiction collections, and for any who dream about those moments where instant lust may strike them." –Midwest Book Reviews

"I like my sex spontaneous and surprising. I like my erotica the same. I really enjoyed that every story was a surprise for me. It was a really fun ride that I plan on rereading again very soon. I can't help but recommend this for just about anyone!"—Krissy Novacaine 


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