Release Date: October 01, 2013
eISBN: 9781573449878

Kinky!: Explicit Erotica

by Alex Algren

Don't be afraid to admit it—you're captivated by kink. The subspace of sex dungeons, their walls lined with the implements of exquisite agony, call out to you. Your wanton desires throb in your mind, embedded like a splinter that you can't ignore, but you don't want to pull out. Surrender yourself to these stories, and let them slake your unquenchable thirst for kink...

A mysterious girl with supernatural powers emboldens a secretary to dominate her boss in Saskia Walker's "All in a Day's Work." In Ily Goyanes's "Undercover," a Miami vice cop stakes her career on an evening of pleasure with a voluptuous lady she should be apprehending. A woman enters an icy gateway to ultimate pleasure in Kathleen Bradean's carnal, unforgettable "Chill." "Welcome Home" by Shakir Rashaan features two curvy, obedient slaves who serve as living sex toys for their master. Using a silk flogger, a master teaches his brash, feisty sub to orgasm on command in Teresa Noelle Roberts's "The Power of No." And finally, in Teresa Lamai's "Small Windows," a helpless thrall completes her descent into utter debauchery as her master ties, gags, and films her while she's flogged by another woman.

Let these tales seduce you with promises of pleasure that's so sinful, so deliciously profane, everything else will just seem...vanilla. This is one rabbit hole you'll never want to climb out of. Had enough? I didn't think so...

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About the author Alex Algren

A graduate of Mills College with degrees in semiotics and mathematics, Alex Algren lives in Oakland, California. She is an avid reader who writes and edits to make more things to read. Currently working on a novel about revenge, she also quilts and volunteers at her local animal shelter.

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