Release Date: September 02, 2001
ISBN: 9781573441292
eISBN: 9781573448574

How I Adore You: Erotic Stories

by Mark Pritchard

Mark Pritchard is known for his intelligent, complex, and uncompromisingly graphic explorations of sexual taboos — from incest and drugs to S/M and sex among youth. How I Adore You, Pritchard's new collection of stories, spans the erotic spectrum, with "riveting first-person views between the legs" (Good Vibrations) of men and women of all sexualities, in all possible combinations and compromising positions.

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About the author Mark Pritchard

Mark Pritchard is known for his intelligent, complex, and uncompromisingly graphic explorations of sexual taboos — from incest and drugs to S/M and sex among youth. How I Adore You, Pritchard’s new collection of stories, spans the erotic spectrum, with "riveting first-person views between the legs" (Good Vibrations) of men and women of all sexualities, in all possible combinations and compromising positions.

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