Release Date: April 24, 2012
ISBN: 9781573442190
eISBN: 9781573448840

Zaftig: Well Rounded Erotica

by Hanne Blank

"Zaftig, in Yiddish, means juicy. It also means voluptuous, plump, and round in a deliciously sensuous sort of way," writes Hanne Blank. "Used to refer to people's bodies, it suggests opulence and abundance, a sort of unconventional beauty built on heft and curves and softness. Zaftig is also, often, a euphemism for saying that someone is fat."

Hanne Blank presents Zaftig, the first erotica collection celebrating the sexuality of voluptuous women, a full-bodied volume filled with surprising, steamy stories showcasing the sex lives of women of size and their admirers.

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About the author Hanne Blank

HANNE BLANK is the author of Big, Big Love: A Sourcebook on Sex for People of Size and Those Who Love Them. She lives in Boston. "Not only is Blank's work infused with humor and mischievous irony, her delight in her own body and her sexuality is fabulously contagious: she makes you feel good about yourself in every way, shape, and form." —Paramour Magazine

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