Release Date: February 28, 2002
ISBN: 9781573441452
eISBN: 9781573447775

I Am a Woman

by Ann Bannon

The classic 1950s novel from the Queen of Lesbian Pulp.

"For contemporary readers the books offer a valuable record of gay and lesbian life in the 1950s. Most are set in Greenwich Village, and Ms. Bannon's descriptions of bars, clubs and apartment parties vividly evoke a vanished community. Her characters also have historical value. Whereas most lesbians in pulp are stereotypes who get punished for their desires, Beebo and her friends are accessibly human. Their struggles with love and relationships are engrossing today, and half a century ago they were revolutionary." —New York Times

"Sex. Sleeze. Depravity. Oh, the twisted passions of the twilight world of lesbian pulp fiction." —Chicago Free Press

"Little did Bannon know that her stories would become legends, inspiring countless fledgling dykes to flock to the Village, dog-eared copies of her books in hand, to find their own Beebos and Lauras and others who shared the love they dared not name." —San Francisco Bay Guardian

"Ann Bannon is a pioneer of dyke drama." —On Our Backs

"When I was young, Bannon's books let me imagine myself into her New York City neighborhoods of short-haired, dark-eyed butch women and stubborn, tight-lipped secretaries with hearts ready to be broken. I would have dated Beebo, no question." —Dorothy Allison

"Bannon's books grab you and don't let go." —Village Voice

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About the author Ann Bannon

ANN BANNON is the author of the classic lesbian pulp novels I Am a Woman, Journey to a Woman, Odd Girl Out, and Women in the Shadows. She lives in Sacramento, CA. Visit her at "Throughout the Beebo Brinker novels, readers are able to see lesbians in various levels of committed relationships and catch a glimpse of the growing gay and lesbian community...

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Books by Ann Bannon

"Experience all things erotic fiction has to offer and discover how author Ann Bannon earned the title, 'Queen of Lesbian Pulp Fiction.'" — Cosmopolitan 


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